
COVID-19 Safety Policies and Procedures

Health and Safety of our children and staff are always our first priority. We are committed to providing a high quality and safe environment for our children during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are following guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Child Care Licensing Department (CCLD), and County Health Department. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the following protocols and policies are in place:

Drop Off and Pick Up Policies and Procedures

  • Parents are required to wear a face mask during drop-off and pick-up.
  • Parents and staff will meet at the front outside the facility entryway.
  • Parents are required to maintain 6 feet distance from other parents/families and follow the markers on the floor.
  • Staff will check in the children at the front outside one child at a time.
  • Staff will make a visual inspection of the child, and go over brief questionnaire regarding the health of the child as well as the child’s immediate family.
  • Staff will use touchless thermometer to take the temperature of the children. Forehead temperature of the children must be less than 100°F/38°C to be admitted into the school.
  • Ideally, the same parent drop off and pick up the child every day.

Healthy Screening for Staff and Children

  • We implement screening procedures for all staff and children before they enter the facility.
  • Ask all individuals about COVID-19 symptoms within the last 24 hours and whether anyone in their home has had COVID-19 symptoms or a positive test.
  • If a staff member of child shows signs of respiratory illness (a new cough, complaints of sore throat, or shortness of breath), or a fever of 100F or above, they should enter a separate room and be sent home as soon as possible.

Plan for a safe environment

  • More disinfectant: toys will be rotated and disinfected after each use; toys can’t be washed are avoided.
  • Separate art supplies: individual sets of markers, crayons, scissors and tape for each child, so they don’t share those items.
  • More outdoor activities: play and activities are held outside as much as possible.
  • Within small groups, children are kept 6 feet apart to the extent feasible.
  • Keeping play equipment clean: play structures, slides and other equipment are disinfected regularly.
  • Reinforce healthy habits and monitor proper hand washing.